All night. Writing. Trying to release stuff. Stuff. Stuff is good. Bad. In between. I guess? I don't know. It's there. In inside there. Somewhere. Getting stuff out is good. It makes your soul cleaner, I guess. Guessing is wrong in an aspect. Guessing is like assumptions. Assumptions are wrong. You don't know the truth. I guess that if we didn't have assumptions, the world be a better place. More people should listen. Talk. Express themselves. Yeah. Expression is good. Expression of any creative form is good. I support that. No matter what kind of medium. Illegal. Legal. Whatever, dude. I'm down. Almost Five O'clock. I'm on the street corner. I'm at home. Writing. Trying to release myself. Stuff. Stuff is good. Bad. In between. It's the in between stuff that we focus on. That's bad. We don't look at extremes. At least I don't tend to. If you look at extremes you get more focused on one dimension without looking at the whole scope. When in a situation, we tend to look at one angle. Not the whole circumference. Blinds eyes always loose at the end. All night. Writing. Trying to keep an open eye. To release myself. Stuff.
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