Odd dream last night. Been awhile. I have been sick lately. I've been on a bunch of meds, so maybe that has something to do with it, but yeah. Here's the dream.
I'm lying down in my bed. Having a conversation with my Mom about stuff. Usual daily life stuff. She then tells me that she died. I went to her funeral. I tell her she's not dead. I wasn't at her funeral. She didn't have one. She told me I was. She showed me a picture of her grave site. I'm confused. I argue with her. Can't seem to make sense of it. She tells she had a heart attack while going to the States to visit my sister. I call my father. He confirms her story. She did die. She then leaves. I don't know where she went. Still on the phone with my Dad and he tells me he also died. Car crash in Florida. He e-mails me a picture of grave site. Sitting in my bed and confused. Wondering what's real. What's fake. If they're here or not. If I'm here. How can I speak to the dead unless I'm dead, too? I get up and look outside. Everything is on a white pillow type cloud. It's beautiful. I think I'm in heaven.
I wake up.
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