Here's my latest Our Kids article. The video I'm talking about is the same vid I posted yesterday.
"Imagination is more important than knowl“edge.”I’m going to be honest. I didn’t really know what I was going to write this week. I surfed around the net looking for different types of inspirations thinking of what would I pen about this week. I thought of everything. I even thought of doing a little article about graduation. Too early. I thought about doing one about skipping class’. Nah. My ex- teachers read this stuff on Facebook. Detentions? I wasn’t awake for them. Don’t remember. The big blue bus? Nope. I’m saving that for the spring. Good memories, though. I then decided to zoom by this site that always seems to show me the flashbulb of ideas. TED. If you don’t know, TED – Ideas worth Spreading is a non profit academic organization owned by The Sapling Foundation whose main goal is to spread great ideas. Yeah. That’s it. The site has cool creative inspiring videos that I watch once in a while.
I came across this one video. It was by Ken Robinson and the lecture was about how school kills creativity. Wow. What a bold statement. I would agree, though. Actually I do agree – if you’re talking about the everyday public school in the suburbs. However, creativity was alive at Waldrof. I’ve mentioned this many times before on the blog. I found my creativity thanks to Waldorf. It helped me feed it. Nurture it and encouraged me to use it for my life’s work. Which I have. I’m grateful to Waldorf for it. I sometimes feel privileged to know that I was able to go to such a creative based school like TWS where they fueled my imagination through dance, art, singing, painting and even woodworking and knitting. I feel bad for the public school system who haven’t yet realized the value and confidence it gives an individual in the long run with some type of arts in their repertoire. The arts build character – especially at such a young and innocent age where the soul is ready to take in new information and ready to learn about themselves and how these little ideas they have in their head will turn out if they actually try them out in real life. Waldorf fed me the information. I came up with the ideas. And then, they came alive. By the time I left Waldorf, my creativity was a white horse galloping around the open field looking for the next race. The next stack of hay. Waiting to get fed more and more.
Robinson talks about how they start you off by educating from the waist up and then they start to only concentrate on the head. And at most times, only one side of it. He also mentions that he believes that “We are educating people out of their creativity,” It’s an interesting lecture that’s both intelligently spoken while being pretty funny.
If you have a chance, take some time to check it out. The video is around 20 minutes long. Here’s the link.
That takes care of this week’s article. What’s up for next week? Shoot me some ideas. I would love to find out what you guys would want me to write about.
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