2009 lists have started. News from Here.
Twitter has been branded the most used word of 2009.
The social networking site was crowned the winner by Texas-based algorithms company the Global Language Monitor (GLM).
In a year where global recession, the epidemic of swine flu and the deaths of celebrities such as Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett have occurred, GLM expressed surprise at the result.
Paul JJ Payack, president of the firm, said that it shows "how big Twitter is globally".
The site has been at the centre of several debates in the past year, including acting as a rallying point for protests against the Iranian election results and the controversial Daily Mail article by Jan Moir.
Second place on GLM's list was US president Barack Obama, with H1N1, the medical name for swine flu, coming third.
The big-screen success of Stephanie Meyer's supernatural book series Twilight, as well as television shows such as True Blood, put the word 'vampire' at number five, below 'stimulus', the $800 billion (£486.64 billion) aid package pumped into the US economy
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